Erosion Block Supply Logo

Erosion Block Supply is a manufacturer of Articulated Concrete Block Revetment Mats located at 3681 Highway 47 in Bosque Farms, NM.

Erosion Block Supply Location Map
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We stock revetment mats in inventory and are capable of supplying any quantity of Revetment Mats with sufficient notice. Erosion Block Supply can also produce mats in a wide variety of colors. All of our concrete blocks are manufactured using 3,000 PSI Class A concrete with air entrainment. We follow AASHTO recommendations and guidelines and also utilize strict quality control during every step of the manufacturing.

Our product is on the current NMDOT’s approved product list. Spec. #602.2.4.

Concrete Revetment Block Mats can be used in most applications in lieu of expensive and often hard to find riprap. It has many advantages including ease of installation, cost, ability to allow the slope to re-vegetate, the ability to support moderate traffic, can be used in a temporary application, predictable performance, etc. More information can be found in our product specifications.


Erosion Block Supply

While Erosion Block Supply is mainly a manufacturer, our company has a long history with a wide variety of experience in the erosion control field. In conjuction with Kimo Constructors, Inc. we can provide a one source erosion control solution for almost any situation. We would be glad to visit with you on your particular problems and suggest a solution. Please contact us with any of your erosion control related questions.



Telephone - 505.869.2440

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